Alexis Siroc uses her extensive background as an art director, to weave visual meditations and narratives into her artwork. With a BFA from Pratt Institute’s School of Art & Design in painting and illustration, Alexis is an art director by day with expertise in web design, book design, visual editing, and image creation. By night Alexis is in her studio creating artwork for her various passions. 

Her art has been seen in galleries in New York City, the Hudson Valley region, and the Upper Delaware Valley. She has also co-curated two shows at the Alliance Loft Gallery in Narrowsburg, NY—the first with Thomas Bosket, “Paint by Pixels” which featured artists from around the world, and in July 2017 with Alan Wood, “Night Watch” featuring 68 artists and presenting more than 150 artworks about the night. In 2016 and 2017 Alexis organized The Callicoon ArtWalk which featured between 70 and 90 local artists and an outdoor art making event.  

Alexis has been, at times, a scenic painter and designer. Her theatrical creations have been experienced by theater goers in New York, NY and Baltimore, MD for the RAPP Theater Company and in Liberty, NY for the Liberty Free Theatre.

Alexis began her design career working for several of Manhattan’s most respected graphic design firms, including Chermayeff & Geismar and Donovan & Green. From there, she opened her own design studio when she moved to the Hudson River Valley, segueing into the book publishing industry. For more than a decade she designed photo-driven and illustrated books in categories ranging from decorating and entertaining titles to young adult, lifestyle and gift books. Today she works with self-publishing authors to help them achieve their publishing goals designing both print and e-books.

Alexis added website design to her vast repertoire, becoming one of the few graphic designers to successfully make the leap from print to the Internet.  

  • Abstract works. Not unlike the progression her graphic design has taken from print to digital, her work as a painter is evolving from canvas to the iPad. Working on the iPad has led to the exploration of the abstract digital pieces she refers to as meditation narratives.

Her latest works focus on two of her passions—the full moon and her garden.

  • Nighttime and the full moon. Nighttime landscapes are alluring. They draw us into a quiet still world. We experience these works as secretive, private, sensual, isolating, haunting, soothing, ethereal, magical, mystical, transcending.  Read more here…
  • Wild Garden Botanicals. Alexis is happiest in her garden which she fondly calls her wild garden. She has now found a way to bring her garden into her studio creating eco prints on textiles and paper. Read more here…